The RealDeal®
Science Forum of Debates

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A l l   C h e m i s t r y

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 * We have posted our Second Edition of this Site's Overview below.

  • Our next task is to complete the Chemistry' Overviews with respect to each Subject-Section of our publication and then move on with the posting of our first Issues for Debates in Chemistry.











  Site Overview Of

 A l l    C h e m i s t r y  S i t e

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 . A l l   C h e m i s t r y   -- G e n e r a l   O v e r v i e w
















All Chemistry Overview


hemistry, indisputably can be considered the Grand Science of Reactions and Combinations, as its study is to decipher the maze, the complexity, and the intricacy of all elements of Nature that exist and can be created, of their reactions and of their ability to combine and be combined into an array of the most dazzling combinations, and of the logic of their existence. All chemical phenomena have at their substratum the atomic and subatomic theories supplied by Physics, and have their far reaching range of study continued into both Astronomy (in the study of stars, planets, interstellar and interplanetary matter) and Biology (in the study of living cells), creating in a unique way the inner interconnection, bond, and unification with all Natural Sciences.


Because of this special position that Chemistry has within the realm of Natural Sciences, that of being the great "Unifier" of Natural Sciences, its study both affects and is being affected by the development of the rest of Natural Sciences. The study of how Chemistry affects and is being affected by other Natural Sciences is extremely important in providing us with a unique vista through which we can study, "see" and "look" at Nature --a study which shall be an integral part of our focus and presentation.


Our eleven (11) subject-sections plus The Hall of Fame section, which can be accessed through the above Navigational Bar located in the page's heading, are designed to provide a comprehensive reference to the many facets and ways of studying and investigating the subjects of Chemistry. Aside from the two (2) Index sections --one by Subject, the other by Author, and three (3) Forum sections --The RealDeal® Forum Letters, The RealDeal® Forum Chat Rooms, and The RealDeal® Forum Workshops, which are perhaps self-explanatory, the other remaining six (6) sections need a further introduction as follows

A special section entitled The RealDeal® List (and Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions was designed to list and emphasize what is not known or understood from the realm of Natural Sciences in a way so as to attract both the attention and the interest in further studying the topics involved.

Because at its foundation, Chemistry has its theoretical substratum derived from the atomic and subatomic theories provided by Physics, Chemistry more than any other Natural Science is extremely vulnerable: if the foundational theories provided by Physics prove to be wrong, most if not all the theoretical studies of Chemistry will crumble to their foundation. In this respect, there is not much that Chemistry can do, except to record meticulously and faithfully, the inexplicable results obtained that cannot find logical explanations and solutions from within the current theoretical atomic and subatomic foundation supplied by Physics. These inexplicable results shall be entered, categorized, and classified in our RealDeal® List (and Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions section.

Topics like, why Carbon, and not some other chemical element in Nature, is the most reactant of all elements giving rise to well over one and a half million known compounds, shall be entered into the List of Most Wanted Solutions. Derivative topics, such as why some chemical elements are far more abundant than others, shall be placed in the Auxiliary List of Most Wanted Solutions.


The remaining five (5) sections

1. The RealDeal® Foundational Inquiries;

2. The RealDeal® Theoretical Studies;

3. The RealDeal® Discovery Reports;

4. The RealDeal® Focus Line;

5. The RealDeal® Historical Scrutinies; and

which form the so-called Core sections of our publication are designed to cover a wide range of issues involving Natural Sciences and Philosophy, and a brief description of those sections related to Chemistry is described below. [Additional information is provided in the HomePage of each section (which you can reach from our Science's FrontPage site by clicking on the corresponding Icon-Button of each section located at the left side of the respective title) as well as in the Chemistry part of each section (which can be accessed from the corresponding Navigational Bar of the respective section located also in our Science's FrontPage.)]

1. Foundational inquiries in Chemistry are linked and intertwined, as noted above, with those of Physics and because of this affinity, all foundational studies of Physics shall be posted also in the Chemistry site, of The RealDeal® Foundational Inquiries section. For the outline of the foundational issues concerning Physics, please see the corresponding part from the All Physics Overview site (which you can access from the bottom of this page by clicking on the corresponding Physics icon).


2. Studies of the major topics of Chemistry shall be presented in The RealDeal Theoretical Studies section. In addition to the guidelines set up in our Publication Policy page with respect to the style and form of presentation, these studies need be written in a way, so as to attract the largest possible audience interested in the subject at hand, in a non-technical language, with an "eye" towards freshmen students, with one and only one goal in mind:

to lure and attract as many young students as possible into pursuing a career in Chemistry.

To accomplish all this, the style and form of presentation, will be quite different from anything else ever written on the subject at hand because these studies, regardless of the complexity of the subject involved will need to be provocative --to provoke first and foremost the interest in the subject itself. And second, the reader must be introduced not only to the beauty and the complexity of the subject involved, but also, and most importantly, to the shortcomings of the theory or subject described. These shortcomings, if properly implanted, will spring into fresh ideas and approaches to the subject at hand.


3. Notable discoveries in Chemistry will be reported in our RealDeal® Discovery Reports section, through a process involving four (4) phases, as follows,

i)  [?] The Status Phase

Immediately, upon learning of a discovery in Chemistry that appears to be significant (in the sense that the said discovery appears to confirm or upset a theory currently in use), we shall report such a discovery in the following manner:

a) If the discovery is theoretical in nature, we shall first attempt to get a non-technical version of it from the author(s). If that attempt fails, we may still try to get a non-technical version from other sources. If that attempt fails as well, we will place it into a special category of reports entitled The Unattainable Discovery Reports. If on the other hand, the said theoretical discovery can be presented in a non-technical language, it shall be placed into a different category entitled The Probable Discovery Reports.

b) If the discovery is experimental or observational in nature, we shall first attempt to get the details about the experiment in a non-technical language together with the results that it claims to prove from the author(s). If that attempt fails, we may still try to get a non-technical version from other sources. If that attempt fails as well, we will place it into a special category of reports entitled, as noted above, The Unattainable Discovery Reports. If on the other hand, the said experimental discovery can be presented into a non-technical language, it shall be placed into the category entitled, as noted above, The Probable Discovery Reports. Also if an experimental discovery reported cannot be duplicated elsewhere, and credible reports on this become available, the said discovery reported will be placed at once under the stated category of The Unattainable Discovery Reports.

Only discoveries from The Probable Discovery Reports will continue to receive our attention. The Unattainable discovery reports, at any time, may be converted into the Probable category if the stated conditions are met, but if this conversion does not take place within one (1) year, they will be permanently removed from our site.

ii)  [!] The Scrutiny Phase

The discoveries from The Probable Discovery Reports will enter, after a 30-day period, into a second phase of their existence, known as The Scrutiny Phase. This phase which shall last one (1) year, and upon good reason can be extended, will be the phase in which the veracity of a reported discovery shall be meticulously investigated and examined. If the challenges posed and accumulated appears to be lethal or formidable to overcome, for a particular reported discovery, the said discovery will be placed into the Unattainable category (as discussed above). If no serious challenges were able to be mounted against the discovery in question, at the end of one (1) year, the said discovery will get a RealDeal Pass and will be placed into The RealDeal Interim Discovery Reports section.

iii)  [=] The Defining Phase

The Interim discoveries, after a 30-day period, will enter, for 60 days, into what is called the Defining Phase. As a result of the challenges received during the Scrutiny Phase, the author(s) of the discovery may want to redefine and perhaps further clarify their discovery, defining thus even better the discovery in question.

iv)  [/\] The Disposition Phase

With the Defining Phase over, a reported discovery, will permanently enter into the RealDeal "Hall Of Fame". A "Hall of Fame" discovery shall always stay and be posted in our site.

To unseat a "Hall of Fame" discovery, the process will involve the accumulation of compelling evidence pointing away from the discovery in question, as follows:

-For experimental results, a proof "beyond a reasonable doubt" must exist to establish the existence of fraud and/or misrepresentation of data in support of a particular research. Upon such proof, the said discovery reported shall be removed from the "Hall of Fame" page and, shall be placed permanently into The RealDeal "Hall Of Shame" page.

-For theoretical discoveries to be unseated, a theoretical proof which annihilates and/or eliminates the old result(s) must exist, or alternatively, a fundamental logical error in the proof of the theory must be found to exist. In such a situation, the said theoretical result will be removed from our site, with no trace or reference to be found, as if it were never published.

Finally, when an experiment or observation contradicts an established theoretical result, this, in itself, will not be able to unseat the said contradicted theoretical result, but a warning will be posted for the apparent conflict and placed into a new category entitled The Unresolved "Hall Of Fame" Discoveries. In all probability, the apparent scientific conflict created will be posted in our List (or Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions section.


4. Science, as anything else in life, to be able to flourish in a given Society and Culture must be able to have the necessary support. But what is actually "necessary" is not as simple to answer as perhaps it may seem. Issues of this sort affecting the complex relationships between Chemistry (with its various Research Programs and Projects) and Society will be explored from different viewpoints in our section entitled The RealDeal® Focus Line. Also there, issues involving the antagonism, real or imaginary, between Chemistry and Religion (and other non-scientific beliefs and dogmas) will be presented from various perspectives and point of views.


5. Historical and biographical studies in Chemistry shall be covered in our RealDeal® Historical Scrutinies section. The central focus of these studies will be to adhere as much as possible to the Historical Truth and separate myths from reality. This historic scrutiny is essential for protecting and defending the Historical Truth related to the History of Chemistry, a field not fully matured and independent --as an academic field of inquiry and research. These studies to be presented herein are intended to act as academic historical filters which should be able to set new standards of research into the History of Science. It is because of all this, that the historical material published herein will be quite different, both in its scope and form of presentation.


With respect to our two (2) Forum sections mentioned at the beginning of this overview presentation, which are listed in our FrontPage science site as the last two (2) sections, we may want to mention here the following:

· In The RealDeal® Forum Letters, we will present selected letters received from our readers with respect to the variety of issues that are being covered. Issues which do not pertain to the subjects covered herein will not be considered for publication in any form or fashion, although we will read all mail received and, when appropriate, we may respond in kind.

· Finally, in The RealDeal® Forum Chat Rooms we shall organize science events from a variety of topics and issues for debates.















Issues for Debates
i n
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To go to the Issues of Debates in Chemistry for a particular Section, click on the corresponding Section from the Navigational Bar above.

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