The RealDeal®
Science Forum of Debates

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  • We have posted the Second Edition of the General Overview for the All Philosophy site below.

  • Next, we will begin working on our "Issues for Debate" section for Philosophy, to be posted in this page below, following the General Overview presented.











  Site Overview Of

 A l l    P h i l o s o p h y  S i t e

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   A l l   P h i l o s o p h y   -- G e n e r a l   O v e r v i e w




















All Philosophy of Science, Nature and Religion


hilosophy, indisputably can be considered as the greatest Tower of Inquiry that the Mind has been able to create and build, acting and shining in all of its splendor and glory as a Lighthouse for all inquiries, whether it is examining Science (i.e., its methods and its tools of acquiring knowledge), Nature (i.e., its substantive character of what it is), or Religion (i.e., its psychological, sociological, and cultural origins and developments). The tools of inquiry of Philosophy are based upon definitions and concepts of Ethics, Morality, and Logic. It is the latter tool however of Philosophy --that of Logic that has elevated Philosophy, and thus the Mind, to the highest peak of intellectual endeavor. Probing the Mind, through philosophical inquiries and reasoning, to determine the real nature of things as opposed to appearances (i.e., to determine the respective meanings, the structures, and the principles thereof in relationship to what needs to be considered as the ultimate reality versus what needs not) is a fascinating journey provided by Metaphysics which because of its abstract and formalized study, can be considered as a philosophical study within Philosophy itself. Perhaps a good analogy of the place Metaphysics has within the realm of Philosophy, is the one offered by Mathematics, with respect to, say, Topology and The Theory of Manifolds in relationship to Geometry as far as the formalization of the study is concerned.

To philosophize for the sake of philosophizing, as an academic exercise --is one thing, to use Philosophy as an aid to Natural Sciences is an entirely different thing. To engage in sterile philosophical arguments to see how far you can be carried by the Mind through philosophical reasoning --is one thing, to use philosophical reasoning for probing the reasoning and logic employed into various proofs and arguments of Science --is an entirely different thing. To go off on a tangent, and see where you can go with a philosophical inquiry by embracing the Irrational -- is one thing, to use Logic and Rational Thinking in creating philosophical filters and sensors capable of detecting impurities in reasoning and logic employed in scientific arguments --is an entirely different thing.

Because of this, we perhaps need to make a differentiation between what may be called "Practical or Applied" Philosophy from the "Pure or Abstract" Philosophy, similarly as this differentiation is currently made in Mathematics. In here, we will have little interest in entertaining philosophical studies for the love of Philosophy alone if they cannot lead to practical theoretical instruments and tools to aid us in studying Nature. The Theory of Perception is undoubtedly a fascinating subject, for instance, which will have no consideration in our studies of Nature. As for the Philosophy of Science, we shall not engage in sterile philosophical studies "philosophizing" for the sake and love of "philosophizing" on the modality, say, of how "modern" Sciences have gained their results. Instead, we shall ascribe to the Philosophy of Science the responsibility (as well as the moral and ethical duty) of critically examining --through logical philosophical inferences-- the validity (or lack of it) of the various methods employed by the Natural Sciences in gaining its results. This suggested approach, which shall be promoted on our site, is radically different from the current approach that the Philosophy of Science is taking towards sciences --in general, and towards 20th century Physics --in particular. It is one thing to talk about some entity, it is an entirely different thing to examine and scrutinize that entity through the rigor and the strictness which Rational Thinking can provide. The Philosophy of Science need not be a descriptive and narrative field of studies, but rather it needs to be an analytical and critical field of examining the methodology employed by Natural Sciences in acquiring its results. And when fundamental philosophical questions arise to a particular methodology employed in Natural Sciences, it is the moral and ethical responsibility of the Philosophy of Science to expose, in a critical manner, that methodology in question, and not to leave it unchallenged. Only through those challenges can the Philosophy of Science claim its role and justification of existence within academic disciplines. Through this shift of approach, the Philosophy of Science can truly become an indispensable guardian of the intellectual treasures provided by scientific knowledge. It is this unique role, that the Philosophy of Science could have, that it needs to cultivate, nourish, and develop to its fullest extent.


The capabilities and abilities of the human Mind are truly remarkable as they can be directed, at will, towards good or bad, towards constructive endeavors and toward destructive endeavors, towards embracing the Rational or towards embracing the Irrational, towards speculations or towards reasoning and inferences based on factual experiments. The Philosophy of the Irrational is perhaps an interesting subject for scholars of Philosophy, but it shall find no space within our publication.


Our eleven (11) subject-sections plus The Hall of Fame section, which can be accessed through the above Navigational Bar located in the page's heading, are designed to provide a comprehensive reference to the many facets and ways of studying and investigating the subjects of Philosophy. Aside from the two (2) Index sections --one by Subject, the other by Author, and three (3) Forum sections --The RealDeal® Forum Letters, The RealDeal® Forum Chat Rooms, and The RealDeal® Forum Workshops, which are perhaps self-explanatory, the other remaining six (6) sections need a further introduction as follows.


A special section entitled The RealDeal® List (and Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions was designed to list and emphasize what is not known or understood from the realm of Natural Sciences in a way so as to attract both the attention and the interest in further studying the topics involved.

Issues of unresolved problems of the Philosophy of Science, Nature, and Religion shall be presented in our RealDeal® List (and Auxiliary List) of Most Wanted Solutions with the intent of attracting their attention.

The remaining five (5) sections

1. The RealDeal® Foundational Inquiries;

2. The RealDeal® Theoretical Studies;

3. The RealDeal® Discovery Reports;

4. The RealDeal® Focus Line; and

5. The RealDeal® Historical Scrutinies;

which form the so-called Core sections of our publication are designed to cover a wide range of issues involving Natural Sciences and Philosophy, and a brief description of those sections related to Philosophy is described below. [Additional information is provided in the HomePage of each section (which you can reach from our Science's FrontPage site by clicking on the corresponding Icon-Button of each section located at the left side of the respective title) as well as in the Philosophy part of each section (which can be accessed from the corresponding Navigational Bar of the respective section located also in our Science's FrontPage.)]


1. The examination of Philosophy itself, at its most fundamental level of inquiry, shall be presented in our RealDeal® Foundational Inquiries section. The concentration of these studies will be related to the Philosophy of Science, of Nature, and of Religion.


2. Studies of the major topics of Philosophy of Science, Nature, and Religion shall be presented in The RealDeal® Theoretical Studies section. In addition to the guidelines set up in our Publication Policy page with respect to the style and form of presentation, these studies need to be written in a way so as to attract the largest possible audience interested in the subject at hand, and with an "eye" towards freshmen students, with one and only one goal in mind:

to lure and attract as many young students as possible into pursuing a career in Philosophy.

To accomplish all this, the style and form of presentation, will be quite different from anything else ever written on the subject at hand because these studies, regardless of the complexity of the subject involved will need to be provocative --to provoke first and foremost the interest in the subject itself. And second, you, the reader must be introduced not only to the beauty and the complexity of the subject involved, but also, and most importantly, to the shortcomings of the theory or subject described. These shortcomings, if properly implanted, will spring into fresh ideas and approaches to the subject at hand.


3. The RealDeal® Discovery Reports section, for the time being, will not be applicable to the Philosophy field, although this may change if we shall see fit.


4. Philosophy, as anything else in life, to be able to flourish in a given Society and Culture must be able to have the necessary support. But what is actually "necessary" is not as simple to answer as perhaps it may seem. Issues of this sort affecting the complex relationships between financing the study of Philosophy and Society will be explored from different viewpoints in our section entitled The RealDeal® Focus Line. Also there, issues involving the antagonism, real or imaginary, between Philosophy --in general (and Philosophy of Religion and Philosophy of Nature --in particular) and Religion will be presented from various perspectives and points of view.


5. Historical and biographical studies in Philosophy shall be covered in our RealDeal® Historical Scrutinies section. The central focus of these studies will be to adhere as much as possible to the Historical Truth and separate myths from reality. This historic scrutiny is essential for protecting and defending the Historical Truth related to the History of Philosophy, a field not fully matured and independent --as an academic field of inquiry and research. These studies to be presented herein are intended to act as academic historical filters which should be able to set new standards of research into the History of Philosophy. It is because of all this that the historical material published herein will be quite different, both in its scope and form of presentation.


With respect to our two (2) Forum sections mentioned at the beginning of this overview presentation, which are listed in our FrontPage science site as the last two (2) sections, we may want to mention here the following:

· In The RealDeal® Forum Letters, we will present selected letters received from our readers with respect to the variety of issues that are being covered. Issues which do not pertain to the subjects covered herein will not be considered for publication in any form or fashion, although we will read all mail received and, when appropriate, we may respond in kind.

· Finally, in The RealDeal® Forum Chat Rooms we shall organize science events from a variety of topics and issues for debates.

















Issues for Debates
i n
P h i l o s o p h y 

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To go to the Issues of Debates in Philosophy for a particular Section, click on the corresponding Section from the Navigational Bar above.

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